IdBrooklyn is a large-scale design project aimed at creating the graphic identity of Brooklyn through your participation. Simply put – we want to involve Brooklynites and Brooklyn-lovers worldwide to participate in designing a beautiful set of graphic icons of Brooklyn’s culture.
Gustavo Stecher: co-creator idBrooklyn, creative director idBrooklyn, idBrooklyn branding expert, workshop advisor, workshop designer/facilitator, icon curation
Gerardo Blumenkrantz: co-creator idBrooklyn, creative director idBrooklyn, idBrooklyn branding expert, idBrooklyn writing director: workshops and website, community outreach, icon curation
Hernan Berdichevsky: creative director idBrooklyn icons, icon designer, icon curation
Gustavo Contreras Dvorak: IDBrooklyn design direction, icon development/curation, mobile and web app design direction.
Frank Scott Krueger: project manager, film director, mobile and web app designer, workshop development/community outreach, workshop designer/facilitator, workshop photography, press writer.
Sarah Lillenberg: workshop interviewer, workshop designer/facilitator, workshop development/community outreach assistant, workshop photography, press writer, website copywriter.
George: Workshop film assistant, photography, sound assistant, local contactDevon Hirth: Workshop sound assistant, local contact
Dane Cardiel: local contact
Client :
July 27, 2020